This past year has been a year that I will never forget.
January 16, 2008, I met this man:
We met at a Red Cross Blood Drive in the USU LDS Institute.
It was the last day and I hadn't been able to go until the last minute as they were accepting their last few people. So I slipped in, signed and sat down with Twilight for a good read. I was going to be here for a few hours. A few minutes later this man sat down.
"What you reading? Looks interesting." he said with a grin.
I explained a bit of the plot and then we started talking about other things, got to know each other a bit. And got into a really animated conversation about Anime, particularly InuYasha.
During this conversation, I had to show off my brand new toy, my insulin pump. He was extremely interested, found it an excellent invention. I explained about being a
type 1 diabetic. He smiled and listened, learning rapidly. Asking questions when he wasn't sure on something.
It was then our turns to finally give blood. We sat close to each other so we could keep talking. We raced to see who could pump out blood faster. If I remember right, he barely beat me.
"Man, let's hope we never get in a knife fight."
"We'd be gone in under ten minutes considering how fast we just bled out."
I laughed and he grinned bigger.
We sat down eating our snacks they gave us as I checked my blood sugar and bolused for the food. He was curious to learn what the number I had just gotten meant. I taught him and then we got back to talking about InuYasha.
"Hey, I've gotta go grab some books from the bookstore." I said standing up after 20 minutes.
"Mind if I tag along? I'd love to keep talking."
With a giddy grin I said heck yes.
Another hour later I had gotten all my books I needed and we were walking to the bus stop.
"Hey, do you have a cell phone?"
"Um... no." He looked slightly sheepish. "I have an email though."
"That'll work."
We swapped and I turned to go get on the bus. About to get on the bus I spun around.
"Hey! Hang on a sec.... What's your name?"
We laughed as he called back, "Zane."
When I got home I sent him an email and we began the novels of chatting that we have written.
We changed our status on Facebook to "In a Relationship" within two weeks.
He became my Sweet Guy here on The Lucky Druggie. He inspired my only favorited Twitter: Heaven help me, I think I'm falling for him.
And our first picture was taken:
We became fast and very close friends, even to now, best friends.
We helped each other through school. We studied and spent nearly every waking moment together. He learned my highs, dreaded my lows, but stuck with me every moment. Knowing my signs better than me at times.
We dreaded summer vacation's arrival but it came anyway. I helped him move out, met his mom and probably kissed him a good 50 times (even gave his mom a hug). Wishing we did not have to separate.
But separate we did. He to the Salt Lake area with his parents and I to little podunk Delta where my grandparents took me for the summer. We'd work during the day, come home and chat as soon as we could. Generally into the early morning hours. I became the self-titled "Hermit" in the room my grandparents had given me.
I visited my family in Seattle for a week on a spur of the moment decision.
Sweet Guy's family picked me up from the airport and I stayed with his family for the Memorial Day long weekend. We'd only been apart for a few weeks but it felt so much longer.
I started loving his family that weekend.
Two months later, at the end of July, we made a trip to Malad for an old friend's Mission Farewell. Staying with my parents. He laughed at just how small Malad truly was. A boy who'd always lived in Salt Lake, thought my town too small to merit it's full name of Malad City. He loved my family, thought my brother's awesome even if purposely irritating.
We visited the Salt Lake Temple talking of getting married there in May 2009. We saw the Christus and fell even deeper in love with one another.
Weeks later, August 12, 2008, we were chatting on MSN, like we did every night. Sweet Guy asked a question that I still get giggly about remembering.
"Want to get married sooner?"
And my prompt "Hell yes!"
After calling up my family via a four-way call. We moved up our date to December 20, 2008. And promptly changed our Facebook status to "Engaged".
The final months of the last year were a whirlwind. Finding a job, an apartment, staying sane, planning our reception, walking home from work together, kissing in the dark and always talking endlessly.
Our mothers, our families, our friends did so much for us, helped us get everything accomplished in the time we had. I just want to thank them all for all they did. Without them, none of this would have happened nor would all of it gone so well.
On October 17, 2008, Zane's family came up and we all went up into Logan Canyon to take engagement pictures. As we posed for the first picture Sweet Guy said, "Hang on, there's something you need before we can take these pictures."
He dropped to one knee and reached into his shirt pocket, with a smile he took my hand.
"Jessica, will you be my companion for time and all eternity?"
He slipped the ring onto my finger and all I could do was just nod, smile and kiss him.
A week before the wedding, right after Finals finished, we booked it down to Salt Lake. He stayed at his parent's, I at his sister's. In that week we finalized all the rest of the reception that hadn't been finished yet and my mom baked... and baked and baked. She was who I asked to make our cake.
The entire week, it was snowing. And not just a little, enough that even seasoned Utah drivers were struggling to get from Point A to Point B. The snow stopped a good portion of family from arriving. December 19th was the worst night of them all. Snowing all day and all night. Leaving the roads a mess. We set up the reception that night and his father drove me back to Sweet Guy's sister's for the last time that week.
The morning of the wedding, Sweet Guy and his family left 2 hours to come pick me up from his sister's house. (A trip normally made in 30 minutes.)
They arrived just as my aunt's finished the touches on my hair and makeup. (I'm hopeless when it comes to either.)
We made it to the temple with plenty of time. And I'll simply say that the ceremony was even more beautiful than I ever would have imagined.
Before we came out, my aunt's and my grandma helped me get dressed up for pictures.
When Sweet Guy saw me walking up to him all dressed up in my wedding dress, with a veil and the whole shabang, I've never seen him stare so.
Our Facebook now says "Married".
Coming out.
My parents. Couldn't have done it without them.
Our Families.
Naw, we're not completely twitterpaited still.
My family.
My amazing mom.
The rest of my pictures are on: http://picasaweb.google.com/jnpedersen2
hope you and your hubby are very happy together btw this is molly if you are wondering
Oh, Jessica you looked so beautiful!! I wish I could have been there. It is so good to see you so in love and so happy. Work hard on your marriage and you will always be so in love.
Hey I am so glad that you guys are so happy, you never told me how you met. I hope you have a wonderful life together.
so sweet!best wishes for a wonderful life together
Aww, congratulations you two! I'm happy for you both (my invitation must have gotten lost in the mail).
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